Help for ADHD:

  • Access your, or your child’s, condition with a Christian psychologistnutritionist, naturopath, or a functional medicine MD that specializes in ADHD treatment.  ADHD symptoms can increase with anxiety, artificial food additives, sugar, infection, allergies, food intolerance, overstimulation, lack of discipline, lack of routine.
  • If ADHD symptoms are caused by oxygen deprivation, brain trauma, lead poisoning, injury, hyperinsulinemia, or smoking during pregnancy a stronger course of action will probably be needed.  If this is the case, consult your physician for a plan of action.
  • The first thing you can try for focus issues caused by a classic ADHD diagnosis is to have a blood test done to see if there is an infection at work in your body.
  • If blood work comes back normal showing “no” infection, try a blood test for Food Intolerances, then an elimination of the foods that are identified on the test.  The elimination diet should be given for three weeks.  You should see a remarkable difference.  It may get worse before it gets better.
  • Research supplements to assist with focus and hyperactivity. Some good ones are:  Calcium and magnesium (liquid form), has a calming effect for hyperactivity; Essential Fatty Acids, to help the brain function properly; Gamma amino butyric acid (GABA), calms with body without side effects.; SAMe, relieves anxiety and stress (use under the direction of a physician); Vitamin B complex (liquid sublingual form),needed for correct brain function and digestion and it regulates neurotransmitters.
  • Know the side effects that a prescription drug for ADHD could have for a child – lifelong dependence, changes in mood, changes in personality, change in energy levels, and physical side effects.  It is many times necessary, but as you have read above, many times it can be avoided.  What is three weeks out of you or your child’s life to try some of these alternative treatments?
  • For classic ADHD, it is important to have a routine set up for life.  Timers and lists help as well.  These are some of the most important tools for people with ADHD.
  • Do not overcommit, prioritize and schedule.
  • Regularly clean out your room, house, and car.  Have a certain place for important items needed for daily life.  A file for important documents, a place for keys/wallet/phone, a basket for dirty clothes, a trash can in your car and a big one in your room and other places all over the house.
  • Hire an ADHD Coach, if needed
  • Put limits on your screen time including your phone.
  • Have set times for work/school/social activities
  • Stay in the Word of God and have your mind on the right type of things, so even if you become impulsive, you will be impulsively doing good things, not the wrong type of things.  MAJOR IMPORTANT!!!
  • Exercise at least one hour per day. (It’s been studied and proven that exercise in many cases works like a dose of stimulant medication to calm the ADHD brain. Amazing!)
  • ALWAYS CONSULT A DR. BEFORE ADMINISTERING ANY OF THE ABOVE SUGGESTIONS.  This information is not to be taken in leiu of medical advice.  

Resources for ADHD

  • Driven to Distraction by Edward M. HAllowell, M.D. and John J. Ratey, M.D.
  • The Disorganized Mind  by Nancy A. Ratey
  • The 7 Habits of Highly Effective Teens, by Sean Covey
  • Smart but Scattered Teens by Richard Guare, PHD; Peg Dawson, EDD; and Colin Guare
  • ADDitude Magazine
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